Friday, February 18, 2011

What the What?!

I put Mia down for a nap a little bit ago and walked outside with Shane to talk to Johnny for a minute and as we were chatting Johnny's phone rang and it was my ring tone. We looked at each other funny and Johnny asked me if I had my phone and I told him no. Johnny answered and said hello? To which he heard a sweet little voice say,
Mia: "Hi Daddy! What happened to Snow White? She ate the apple. What happened to the which? She breakin on the rock."
Johnny: "Mia, hi! What are you doing?"
Mia: Pushing buttons
Johnny and I were laughing so hard. We went inside and found her on the couch with my magazine open, looking like she was reading and chatting. She didn't call anyone else. And Johnny wasn't even the last person I called. So funny that she dialed him and totally chatted with him...when she should have been sleeping!! Little stinker.
She keeps us so entertained and we love her so much. Mia, you are hilarious. Dad and I are so happy to be your parents and think you are the cutest, sweetest, funniest most darling little girl! WE LOVE YOU!!!!!


Kylee Brown said...

HAHAHA this is so funny.

Unknown said...

Chloe says that all the time... "What the What?" Where in the world did she get it from... I would say you but ya know.

Very cute- clever- girly Mia! :) Children make for the best laughs.