Monday, May 10, 2010

My Mother's Day

Was super great. Church was wonderful. Mia was an angel...after church of course...isn't that always the case?! We spent Saturday with my mom at ZTejas and yesterday with Johnny's mom at their house. Johnny cooked me a steak dinner with a baked potato, corn on the cobb, baked beans and fruit. It was so amazing. Pregnant Alli is a fan of all of that! :)
After dinner with John, Janell and Sheena, we went outside and hung out on the hammock for a bit. Mia was in a blissful state...
After that, Janell and Sheena took Mia inside and Johnny and I shot my shot gun that he got me for Christmas for the first time. It was awesome! Break into my house, I dare you!


Sabrina said...

what a little angel that mia!

Mandy@ a sorta fairytale said...

Happy (belated) Mother's Day!! Sounds like it was a really good day!

Sarah Pugmire said...

Ok, we need to get together and go shooting!! I don't have a gun yet, but Im seriously getting one! and we live way to close to not be hanging out all the time:)

D and K said...

ALI! You're pregnant again!? OMG that is so exciting! How wonderful for your family. I found you through Kylee and Megan. Keep in touch! :)

The Young Family Inc. said...

Alli you are such a stunner. Your little fam is so perfect. I would LOVE to get together! Anytime all the time! i am gonna send my number through facebook.