Monday, May 10, 2010

Mother's Day

Happy belated Mother's Day to all you wonderful mommies! I have such an appreciation for moms. I remember last Mother's Day thinking to myself, when Mia was only 5 months old, "what's all the fuss about?" Mia was such an easy baby! She never cried, slept a lot and ate everything in sight. She was awesome! This Mother's Day as I reflect back on the year and a half of being one, I realize that it is a much trickier job than I though last year! :)
Although Mia is an amazing daughter and she really is a great kid, motherhood is hard. My mom always tells me when I'm frustrated with Mia how sheltered and lucky I am because she is so great! I'm just saying that you could have given birth to an angel and it would still be difficult.
My mom is, in the nicest way and form possible, a freak of nature for having 7 all within 2 years of each other. She to me is the perfect example of a selfless, caring, giving, loving, nurturing person. All the while with 7 kids, maintaining such a strong spirit and upholding her role as a righteous member of the church. For me, at times, I get so caught up and busy that it seems it has to be one or the other. My mom proves me wrong. Not only is she an active member of the church and a mother of 7, she is an amazing wife, the funnest grandma, the best shopper, a fashion icon in Redmond and other surrounding cities, a real beauty, a phenomenal dancer, a loving person and my personal favorite, she's a freakin hoot!! (Funny)
I am so grateful for Leanne Fife Jasperson and her influence in my life and our friendship. It is unwavering and always there. I love you so much mom!


Kylee Brown said...

I LOVE LOVE LOVE your mom too! I have no idea how she did 7 kids period, let alone 2 years a piece. You're a great mom Alli. And you're going to love having a little boy!

Unknown said...

Don't forget a great Mother-in-law. I am lucky myself to have her examples as a mother too. That was a great tribute to your mom- and also to the kind of mom you are. :) Love ya Alli!

Sabrina said...

She is pretty amazing. And one of the reason's i married aaron was because of his family, mostly leanne, no offense. He loves her so much, and i knew he would love me the same. it sounds like you know how blessed you are to have her as you mother! And what a great example for you, you seem to be following in her footsteps as a great mom yourself Al-bal!

Karen said...

I love your mom! I love everything you said about her too!

Leannes notes said...

Alli, thanks for the sweet words and tribute! As all you sweet moms know, as soon as you have a sweet little one, all your selfish desires go out the window and all you want is for them to be happy. I love you, you are a great mom and daughter!